Pay per click Search Engine Marketing

by / Thursday, 15 January 2015 / Published in Uncategorized

Search engine marketing is one of our most exciting forms of marketing for clients.  Although it has changed quite a bit in the past few years and continues to evolve, it is one of the most cost effective forms of advertising on the planet!

Whether you are a small, medium, or large business – pay per click marketing can put you on the map with your customers in a way that will amaze you.  Remember the old days of the Yellow Pages.  What was the most coveted spot in the entire book?  It was the front cover, right?  Usually, you’d see an ad for a plumber or a lawyer or whoever had the most money to be on the front.  Whenever you pick up the Yellow Pages for whatever you were looking for you’d see that business first.   Imagine if you were say a roofer, but instead of a book full of business from A-Z you had a Yellow Pages of only roofers.   And then imagine if you were the roofer on the front cover of a book full of roofers!  Who do you think is going to get the business?  That’s exactly the same way search engine marketing works.  When prospects and customers search for specific keywords, your business can be the first one they see!

We have seen businesses be transformed when it comes to search engine marketing.  Whether you are looking for traditional text ads, image ads, re-marketing, or video ads we can help you reach your target audience and not pay for advertising unless you have an interested prospect check you out.  This type of advertising allows you to track every single dollar you spend.  Never before have you been able to watch your advertising dollars go to work for you in this way.  24 hours a day, rain or shine, sleet or snow – your pay per click ads will be the best employee you ever had.

We are proud to be a Google Certified AdWords company.  When it comes to setting up and running your campaigns we use professional techniques to help you succeed!